Entitate | Entitate-mota | Proiektuaren liderra da? | Akronimoa | Izenburua | Programa | Azpiprograma | Arloa | Azpiarloa | Deialdia | Proiektu-mota | Data noiztik | Noiz arte | Nazioarteko bazkide kopurua | Aurrekontu osoa | RIS 3 | Oinarrizko teknologia | Fitxarako esteka | Proiektuaren laburpena | Cascade funding deialdia ateratzen du? |
A&B LABORATORIOS DE BIOTECNOLOGÍA, S.A.U. | Pyme | NO | CERTIFAI | Agile conformance assessment for cybersecurity CERTIFication enhanced by Artificial Intelligence | HORIZON EUROPE | Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness | Civil Security for Society | Increased cybersecurity | 2022 | IA | 01/09/2023 | 31/08/2026 | 11 | 4.802.650€ | Otro | Selecciona una opción | https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101120606 | According to the EU Cyber Resilience Act, “hardware and software products are increasingly subject to successful cyberattacks, leading to an estimated global annual cost of cybercrime of EUR 5.5 trillion by 2021”. This is due to a low level of cybersecurity, reflected by widespread vulnerabilities and inadequate approaches for identifying and mitigating the rapidly and constantly evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities, as well as ensuring continuous compliance with regulations, industry standards, and best practices. To reduce the impact of cyberattacks and increase the resilience of digital technologies, it is essential to assess the conformity to security standards of ICT products, services, and processes throughout their life cycle. However, the traditional conformity assessment process is predominantly a static and expensive one-time assurance activity that does not cater to the needs of agile product delivery, which promotes continuous product updates and upgrades, and often changes in requirements. Each such update opens doors to product vulnerabilities, and consequently poses cyber risks for product users and companies’ reputation. To avoid these issues, it is essential to enable a partial and continuous lean re-certification of ICT products, services, and processes, to empower manufacturers to prevent, detect, counter and quickly respond to cyber threats. In response to these challenges, the CERTIFAI project will develop an open software framework for cost-effective AI-driven continuous assessment and (re-)certification of ICT products and services, paving the way for a more secure and trustworthy EU’s digital world. Building on the EU Cybersecurity Act, CERTIFAI will leverage the established cybersecurity requirements, standards, and technical specifications to deliver an efficient approach for ensuring that a product, once certified, will continue to be compliant with relevant standards throughout its life cycle. | No |
A3Z ADVANCED ANALYTICAL CONSULTING SERVICES, S.L. | Pyme | NO | CARAMEL | CArdiovascular Risk Assessment in MEnopausaL women via multimodal data analysis enabling personalized prevention strategies | HORIZON EUROPE | Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness | Health | Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society | 2024 | RIA | 01/12/2024 | 30/11/2029 | 14.312.707€ | Salud personalizada | http://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101156210 | Women’s cardiovascular health is an urgent clinical unmet need as reported by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), as cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in women still tends to be underestimated by clinicians and women themselves. CVD is under-diagnosed, under-treated and poorly understood, more so in women in the 40-60 age group, when personalised risk assessment and prevention can have a positive impact on their health.In this context, CARAMEL will deliver an innovative personalised prevention model aimed at women 40-60yrs based upon a risk assessment stratification model considering sex and gender specific risk factors and a self-assessment and self-management approach using innovative digital technologies, empowering women to optimise their cardiovascular health. The proposed CVD-Risk Assessment and Stratification scheme will only be possible by the cumulative risk factors analysis, fueled by AI, emerging from a wide number of different data sources, including clinical data from EHR, medical imaging, biomarkers, metabolomics, lifestyle information (sleep, physical activity, diet) from large cohorts and biobanks.A consortium composed by 25 partners and Affiliated Entities coming from 11 countries, composed by 9 clinical entities, 6 research organisations and 10 industry and SMEs will develop, test and validate the personalised prevention program in observational and interventional studies in clinical sites in Colombia, Croatia, Greece, Lithuania and Spain. To that end, engagement of women aged 40-60, will take place from the onset on the co-design and co-creation of the studies and the self-management app ecosystem to be developed. Likewise, Gender in research will be mainstreamed all along the intervention.CARAMEL will also deliver policy recommendation and clinical guidelines supporting the design and update of CVD Plans by health authorities and healthcare providers, considering novel AI based risk models, applicable to women aged 40-60 yrs. | ND | ||
AAF, S.A. | Pyme | NO | WEDISTRICT | Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY | Energy Efficiency | 2019 | IA | 01/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | 19.273.573€ | Hábitat urbano | |||||
ABEKI COMPOSITES, S.L. | Pyme | NO | AEGIR | DigitAl and physical incrEmental renovation packaGes/systems enhancing envIronmental and energetic behaviour and use of Resources | HORIZON EUROPE | Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness | Climate, Energy and Mobility | ENE-Built4People - People-centric sustainable built environment partnership | 2021 | IA | 01/10/2022 | 30/09/2026 | 30 | 14.195.599€ | Ciudades sostenibles | Selecciona una opción | https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101079961 | AEGIR’s main objective is to demonstrate a scalable, industrialised, smart, non-intrusive, quick, and affordable four-packaged renovation solution to boost the take up of deep retrofitting achieving nearly zerAEGIR main objective is to demonstrate a physical and digital sustainable framework that boosts the take up of deep retrofitting achieving nearly zero energy buildings. This approach is supported by (i) innovative, industrialized, high performance and non-intrusive multifunctional plug-and-play envelope solutions to increase the use of locally deployed renewable technologies. These solutions can also be modulated depending on the requirements of the target buildings. (ii) A digital ecosystem of services to improve the whole construction workflow (from design, manufacturing, construction, and operation) reducing costs with a sustainable approach. And (iii) a socio-economic model providing financial schemes and business models at building scale. To demonstrate these objectives the project will deploy all these solutions in four demos (Spain, France, Denmark, and Romania) mixing the retrofitting actions which will use the solutions in four different climates. The demos combine different building typologies (multi-family buildings, educational buildings, offices, and single-family buildings) to proof the concept in buildings and tenants with different requirements. One of the demos (Denmark) is social housing so the intention of the project is to demonstrate that these solutions are feasible for the more demanding public. A second demo is a public school to demonstrate the improved air quality and comfort provided by the solution to solve many of the air quality/ventilation problems in this type of buildings. The project involves all the actors from the construction and energy management value chain with local and international SMEs, large companies, public authorities. Local and international clusters are also included to verify the developments at European level. | No |
ABERE ZERBITZU TEKNIKOAK KOOPERATIBA SOZIETATEA | Gran Empresa | NO | ClimateSmartAdvisors | ClimateSmartAdvisors: Connecting and mobilizing the EU agricultural advisory community to support the transition to Climate Smart Farming | HORIZON EUROPE | Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness | Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment | Land, ocean and water for climate action | 2022 | CSA | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2030 | 72 | 20.487.751€ | Alimentación saludable | Selecciona una opción | https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101084179 | ClimateSmartAdvisors is a pan-European multi-actor network covering 27 countries. Its aim is to boost the EU agricultural advisory community, leading to an acceleration of the adoption of climate smart (CS) farming practices by the wider farming community within and across EU AKISs. To reach this objective, ClimateSmartAdvisors focuses on the crucial role of advisors in the development and dissemination of CS innovations and practices. The project will organize activities focusing on strengthening the advisors’ capacity in providing CS advice and boosting the advisors’ role in the transition towards CS farming through their involvement in innovation projects, CS-AKIS, and EU projects and initiatives. A number of complementary activities are developed to strengthen the CS advisory capacity of the EU advisory community: 1) an EU-wide network of 260 advisory Communities of Practice (CoP) to support the development of 1500 advisors will form the core of CS knowledge exchange; 2) 140 advisors will receive expert training on selected topics, relevant for their context and for facilitating a CoP; 3) CoPs will internationally exchange knowledge on 12 thematic areas; 4) a knowledge repository will provide advisors with CS tools, practices and approaches developed in the ClimateFarmDemo project and further expanded in ClimateSmartAdvisors, 5) monitoring, evaluation and learning activities will capitalize lessons learned in and outside the project. Activities to boost the advisors role in the CS transition include: 1) connecting to local and EU (multi-actor innovation) projects, initiatives, AKIS actors, and policy makers to clarify and address joint needs, challenges and lessons learned, 2) the set-up of Co-Design Innovation Experiments to learn on how to strengthen the advisors’ role in innovation processes. Finally, to accelerate the wide spread of results, an ambitious dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy will be deployed at EU and national levels. | No |
ACERÍA DE ALAVA, S.A. | Pyme | NO | COGNIPLANT | Cognitive platform to enhance 360º performance and sustainaibility of the EU process industry | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP | H2020 - NMBP | PPP. Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE) | 2019 | IA | 01/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | 8.562.917€ | Fabricación avanzada | |||||
FUNDACIÓN DONOSTIA INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CENTER - DIPC | BERC | NO | EvoThalamus | Molecular and neurogenic evolution of the thalamus | HORIZON EUROPE | Excellent Science | Marie Sktodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2023 | MSCA | 01/09/2025 | 31/08/2027 | 181.152€ | Salud personalizada | http://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101148962 | Developmental programs are the playground for evolution. It is during development when most variation occurs. Therefore, developmental variations are the raw material for natural selection sculpting new adaptations.To unravel the evolutionary history of the thalamus, a paradigmatic example within the brain, I propose to compare the development of the thalamus at various levels and in various species of amniotes. At the level of neurogenesis, EvoThalamus proposes to describe the neurogenic formation of the thalamus: linking thalamic nuclei neurogenic time with their location and function. At molecular level, I will describe the transcriptional profiles of thalamic neurons during their differentiation and maturation in the circuit, understanding how transcriptomes diverge on the species along with circuit maturation.At functional level, I will study the broad connectivity routes of the thalamus with the rest of the brain. I propose, in a pioneering way, to integrate multilevel information, to compare all the data of development, transcriptomics and axonal connectivity in a model that links the molecular variations and the developmental program with the appearance of new nuclei and thalamic connections.I will work with chick and gecko embryos, and we will compare the data with those already published in mice. I will look for developmental variations, novelties of the neurogenic program that are not present in the development of the reptilian thalamus. I will find the changes in development that led to the greater complexity of the thalamus of birds and mammals. These evolutionary trends will be a reflection of the multitude of evolutionary changes that occurred in other brain regions. EvoThalamus will equip me with fresh insights into neurobiology, and brain development and evolution. This project will be instrumental for my career and will consolidate me as an independent female researcher in neuroscience. | ND | ||
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOA | BERC | NO | NeuroExcell | Modulation of neuronal Signaling by Brain Extracellular Space Structure and Dynamics | HORIZON EUROPE | Excellent Science | Marie Sktodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2021 | MSCA | 01/09/2023 | 31/08/2025 | 2 | 181.152€ | Salud personalizada | Selecciona una opción | https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101067304 | NeuroExcell aims to reveal physiological roles of the ECS structure and dynamics in directly regulating neuronal signalling, by taking advantage of the innovative new Super-resolution Shadow Imaging (SUSHI) technique. It will elucidate the nanoscale structure of the ECS of entire mouse brain hemispheres at different planes of the brain. Inherently, it will reveal simultaneously all cells as analyzable shadows what will provide unprecedented ECS maps, to complement general existing cellular maps. The results will further clarify the distribution and duration of structural ECS dynamics across areas, and will disclose the relation between ECS structure, dynamics and protein distribution in the extracellular matrix. Investigating this in live tissue slices will further allow direct visualization and analysis of diffusional processes what will help to disclose the physiological roles of the ECS.The fundamental nature of the results, and the advanced technological framework, will be of fundamental interest for neurophysiologists, glia cell biologists, and glymphatic system researchers, among others. NeuroExcell will be carried out in a multidisciplinary environment involving advanced fluorescence imaging methods, classic electrophysiological techniques, computational modelling, biophysical theory and biochemistry. For the project I will join an emerging neuroscience institute where I will further enhance and diversify my professional competences through advanced training and quality research, adding to my development toward becoming an independent research group leader. | No |
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOA | BERC | NO | Newron-TBI | Neurogenesis-related changes in hippocampal new neurons and circuits after traumatic brain injury | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - EXCELLENT SCIENCE | H2020 - MARIE SKTODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS | Individual Fellowships (IF) | 2017 | MSCA | 01/04/2018 | 31/03/2020 | 158.122€ | Biociencias / Salud | ---------------------------------------------- | ||||
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOA | BERC | NO | StarTicking | The early ticking of the central circadian pacemaker: when and how | HORIZON EUROPE | Excellent Science | European Research Council (ERC) | ERC Consolidator Grant | 2022 | ERC | 01/01/2024 | 31/12/2028 | 1 | 1.955.875€ | Salud personalizada | Selecciona una opción | https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101088375 | The 24-h (circadian) timing system develops during the perinatal period and rules our physiology later in life. It has the essential task of anticipating daily recurring changes in the environment (day/night) to find the best time for each molecular and cellular process. It is organised hierarchically, with a master pacemaker in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is able to perceive environmental light and tell the body what time is it. Our modern 24/7 lifestyle favours a disruptive environment for the circadian system, which is especially negative during pregnancy. We have found, in mice and pre-term infants, that when mothers are exposed to glucocorticoids (GCs) at the wrong time of day, the offspring show behaviour disorders later in life. Our mechanistic findings showed for the first time, a role of the foetal clock before birth, challenging the view on the clock being immature and non-functional.StarTicking proposes to answer a long-standing question in the field: When and how the circadian clock starts ticking. With a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, we will go beyond the state-of-the-art to understand mechanistically the development of the central circadian pacemaker in mice and humans. We will investigate: 1) How the SCN forms by a detailed assessment of the developmental trajectory of the mouse SCN with single cell resolution. 2) When the SCN becomes functional by testing a yet unexplored player: Astrocytes as drivers of the gain of functionality of the mouse SCN.3) What the influence of the early environment on the human SCN maturation is. The generation of a human SCN organoid will allow us to test maternal signals in vitro with high-throughput. We will link mechanistic findings to the development of SCN-driven rhythms in a cohort of pre-term babies. StarTicking will provide ground-breaking mechanistic evidence and valuable knowledge to alleviate the behavioural consequences of the circadian disruption early in life | No |
FUNDACIÓN TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION | Centro Tecnológico | NO | Exploit4InnoMat | An Open Innovation Ecosystem for exploitation of materials for building envelopes towards zero energy buildings | HORIZON EUROPE | Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness | Digital, Industry and Space | IND-Materials and data cross-cutting actions | 2022 | IA | 01/01/2023 | 31/12/2026 | 12.923.287€ | Ciudades sostenibles | http://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101092339 | Building sector is responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. As nZEB becomes the new standard, the role of building materials and smart envelope systems is becoming more and more important. Exploit4InnoMat OITB will make available a high-end Open Innovation Testbed network for building envelopes including roofs and facades, enabling the replication of prototypes in different buildings taking into consideration the trade-offs between the three sustainability pillars, the life cycle stages as well as their impacts. End-User Market Needs for low-cost, flexible, on demand material-based solutions, which will be assessed through an extensive partnership knowledge on materials characterization and modelling, monitoring and process control, environmental and assessment, regulatory and standardization, social acceptance and innovation management, realizing for nZEB solutions. In order to achieve this target a wide range of expertise has been brought to the OITB covering fields such as Open Innovation Testbeds for nano enabled cement, non cement premixes and ceramics, advanced coatings and glazing solutions loaded with aerogel, fibers, PCMs and other nanomaterials providing multifunctional properties; pilot lines for nanodispersion, 3D printing and roboting spraying; as well as a network of four real scale living laboratories for nZEB technologies evaluation, will facilitate a realization tool for developing close to market technological solutions. Additionally, a semi-automated tool combining BIM analysis, fast track modelling and simulation will make enable a digital tool for utilizing building blocks (structural, solar thermal and BIPV) in order to create a harmonized and aesthetically pleasing urban environment. | ND | ||
ADVANCED MATERIAL SIMULATION SL | Pyme | NO | PROTOS | The role of silica in the dawn of life on our planet | HORIZON EUROPE | Excellent Science | European Research Council (ERC) | ERC Synergy Grant | 2023 | ERC | 01/07/2024 | 30/06/2030 | 7 | 9.996.000€ | Otro | Selecciona una opción | http://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101118811 | All information humankind has of the ancient past of our planet comes from analyzing the geological record encoded in rocks. There is, however, no rock record of the first 600 million years of Earth’s history. Unlocking the secrets of this earliest period –the Hadean– is a fundamental task for science, as it is key to understanding how the planet became habitable, when the first forms of metabolism and self-replication developed, and life appeared. The lack of a geological record has led scientists to use computational modeling to make inferences about the conditions in Early Earth’s environments. Less common are laboratory experiments specifically targeted to simulating Hadean conditions. Based on ubiquitous carbonaceous chert deposits in the oldest rock record, it is widely accepted that many early Archean aquatic settings were reducing and rich in silica and some basic carbon-based molecules. We reason that such aquatic conditions were already established during the early Hadean, and inevitably led to the existence of a large-scale factory of simple and complex organic compounds, many of them relevant to prebiotic chemistry and to the route to biomimetic hybrid microstructures able to self-organize and catalyze prebiotic reactions relevant to the origin of life. Our project is aimed at understanding the crucial role of silica in directing the geochemical and protobiological processes, creating habitats for early life, and preserving early biomass on Earth’s surface during the first billion years of its history. PROTOS will use an array of laboratory experiments (the Hadean Simulator) to systematically study ab-initio reactions of water and gases with the earliest rock types in order to determine compositions of aquatic habitats and subsequent silica precipitation mechanisms, organic synthesis processes on silica/iron surfaces, and the preservation of the first remnants of life. PROTOS will change our view of the infancy of the planet. | ND |
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L. | Pyme | NO | PROMOTION | PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY | Competitive Low Carbon Energy | 2015 | IA | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2019 | 51.685.330€ | Energía | |||||
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L. | Pyme | NO | ROMEO | Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY | Competitive Low Carbon Energy | 2016 | IA | 01/06/2017 | 31/05/2022 | 9.999.813€ | Energía | |||||
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L. | Pyme | NO | ELICAN | SELF-INSTALLING TELESCOPIC SUBSTRUCTURE FOR LOW-COST CRANELESS | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY | Competitive Low Carbon Energy | 2015 | IA | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | 11 | 17.107.301€ | Energía | Selecciona una opción | ND | ||
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A. | Gran Empresa | NO | CS2-AERNNOVA-HLFCFIN | Advanced HLFC Fin design | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT | JTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020) | 2014 | RIA | 01/07/2015 | 31/12/2020 | 8.406.250€ | Fabricación avanzada | |||||
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A. | Gran Empresa | NO | CS2-AERNNOVA-REAREND | CS2-AERNNOVA-REAR END AND PYLON DEVELOPMENTS | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT | JTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020) | 2014 | RIA | 01/07/2015 | 31/12/2020 | 1.180.339€ | Fabricación avanzada | |||||
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A. | Gran Empresa | NO | HLFC-Win | Hybrid Laminar Flow Control - Wing | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT | JTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020) | 2017 | IA | 01/01/2018 | 31/12/2023 | 11.853.550€ | Fabricación avanzada | |||||
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A. | Gran Empresa | NO | OUTCOME | OUT of autoclave COMpositE manufacturing, wing and tail unit components and multifunctional design | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT | JTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020) | 2014 | IA | 01/07/2015 | 31/12/2019 | 10.921.943€ | Fabricación avanzada | |||||
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A. | Gran Empresa | SI | CS2-AERNNOVA-HLFCFIN | Advanced HLFC Fin design | HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020) | H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES | H2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT | JTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020) | 2014 | RIA | 01/07/2015 | 31/12/2020 | sin ficha | 8.406.250€ | Fabricación avanzada | Selecciona una opción | ND | ||
Entitate | Entitate-mota | Proiektuaren liderra da? | Akronimoa | Izenburua | Programa | Azpiprograma | Arloa | Azpiarloa | Deialdia | Proiektu-mota | Data noiztik | Noiz arte | Nazioarteko bazkide kopurua | Aurrekontu osoa | RIS 3 | Oinarrizko teknologia | Fitxarako esteka | Proiektuaren laburpena | Cascade funding deialdia ateratzen du?? |