Entitate Entitate-mota Proiektuaren liderra da? Akronimoa Izenburua Programa Azpiprograma Arloa Azpiarloa Deialdia Proiektu-mota Data noiztik Noiz arte Nazioarteko bazkide kopurua Aurrekontu osoa RIS 3 Oinarrizko teknologia Fitxarako esteka Proiektuaren laburpena Cascade funding deialdia ateratzen du?
A&B LABORATORIOS DE BIOTECNOLOGÍA, S.A.U.PymeNOCERTIFAIAgile conformance assessment for cybersecurity CERTIFication enhanced by Artificial IntelligenceHORIZON EUROPEGlobal Challenges and European Industrial CompetitivenessCivil Security for SocietyIncreased cybersecurity2022IA01/09/202331/08/2026114.802.650€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101120606According to the EU Cyber Resilience Act, “hardware and software products are increasingly subject to successful cyberattacks, leading to an estimated global annual cost of cybercrime of EUR 5.5 trillion by 2021”. This is due to a low level of cybersecurity, reflected by widespread vulnerabilities and inadequate approaches for identifying and mitigating the rapidly and constantly evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities, as well as ensuring continuous compliance with regulations, industry standards, and best practices. To reduce the impact of cyberattacks and increase the resilience of digital technologies, it is essential to assess the conformity to security standards of ICT products, services, and processes throughout their life cycle. However, the traditional conformity assessment process is predominantly a static and expensive one-time assurance activity that does not cater to the needs of agile product delivery, which promotes continuous product updates and upgrades, and often changes in requirements. Each such update opens doors to product vulnerabilities, and consequently poses cyber risks for product users and companies’ reputation. To avoid these issues, it is essential to enable a partial and continuous lean re-certification of ICT products, services, and processes, to empower manufacturers to prevent, detect, counter and quickly respond to cyber threats. In response to these challenges, the CERTIFAI project will develop an open software framework for cost-effective AI-driven continuous assessment and (re-)certification of ICT products and services, paving the way for a more secure and trustworthy EU’s digital world. Building on the EU Cybersecurity Act, CERTIFAI will leverage the established cybersecurity requirements, standards, and technical specifications to deliver an efficient approach for ensuring that a product, once certified, will continue to be compliant with relevant standards throughout its life cycle.ND
AAF, S.A.PymeNOWEDISTRICTSmart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable livingHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGYEnergy Efficiency2019IA01/10/201931/03/202319.273.573€Hábitat urbano
ABERE ZERBITZU TEKNIKOAK KOOPERATIBA SOZIETATEAGran EmpresaNOClimateSmartAdvisorsClimateSmartAdvisors: Connecting and mobilizing the EU agricultural advisory community to support the transition to Climate Smart FarmingHORIZON EUROPEGlobal Challenges and European Industrial CompetitivenessFood, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and EnvironmentLand, ocean and water for climate action2022CSA01/04/202331/03/20307220.487.751€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101084179ClimateSmartAdvisors is a pan-European multi-actor network covering 27 countries. Its aim is to boost the EU agricultural advisory community, leading to an acceleration of the adoption of climate smart (CS) farming practices by the wider farming community within and across EU AKISs. To reach this objective, ClimateSmartAdvisors focuses on the crucial role of advisors in the development and dissemination of CS innovations and practices. The project will organize activities focusing on strengthening the advisors’ capacity in providing CS advice and boosting the advisors’ role in the transition towards CS farming through their involvement in innovation projects, CS-AKIS, and EU projects and initiatives. A number of complementary activities are developed to strengthen the CS advisory capacity of the EU advisory community: 1) an EU-wide network of 260 advisory Communities of Practice (CoP) to support the development of 1500 advisors will form the core of CS knowledge exchange; 2) 140 advisors will receive expert training on selected topics, relevant for their context and for facilitating a CoP; 3) CoPs will internationally exchange knowledge on 12 thematic areas; 4) a knowledge repository will provide advisors with CS tools, practices and approaches developed in the ClimateFarmDemo project and further expanded in ClimateSmartAdvisors, 5) monitoring, evaluation and learning activities will capitalize lessons learned in and outside the project. Activities to boost the advisors role in the CS transition include: 1) connecting to local and EU (multi-actor innovation) projects, initiatives, AKIS actors, and policy makers to clarify and address joint needs, challenges and lessons learned, 2) the set-up of Co-Design Innovation Experiments to learn on how to strengthen the advisors’ role in innovation processes. Finally, to accelerate the wide spread of results, an ambitious dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy will be deployed at EU and national levels.ND
ACERÍA DE ALAVA, S.A.PymeNOCOGNIPLANTCognitive platform to enhance 360º performance and sustainaibility of the EU process industryHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIPH2020 - NMBPPPP. Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE)2019IA01/10/201931/03/20238.562.917€Fabricación avanzada
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOABERCNONeuroExcellModulation of neuronal Signaling by Brain Extracellular Space Structure and DynamicsHORIZON EUROPEExcellent ScienceMarie Sktodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships2021MSCA01/09/202331/08/20252181.152€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101067304NeuroExcell aims to reveal physiological roles of the ECS structure and dynamics in directly regulating neuronal signalling, by taking advantage of the innovative new Super-resolution Shadow Imaging (SUSHI) technique. It will elucidate the nanoscale structure of the ECS of entire mouse brain hemispheres at different planes of the brain. Inherently, it will reveal simultaneously all cells as analyzable shadows what will provide unprecedented ECS maps, to complement general existing cellular maps. The results will further clarify the distribution and duration of structural ECS dynamics across areas, and will disclose the relation between ECS structure, dynamics and protein distribution in the extracellular matrix. Investigating this in live tissue slices will further allow direct visualization and analysis of diffusional processes what will help to disclose the physiological roles of the ECS.The fundamental nature of the results, and the advanced technological framework, will be of fundamental interest for neurophysiologists, glia cell biologists, and glymphatic system researchers, among others. NeuroExcell will be carried out in a multidisciplinary environment involving advanced fluorescence imaging methods, classic electrophysiological techniques, computational modelling, biophysical theory and biochemistry. For the project I will join an emerging neuroscience institute where I will further enhance and diversify my professional competences through advanced training and quality research, adding to my development toward becoming an independent research group leader.ND
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOABERCNONewron-TBINeurogenesis-related changes in hippocampal new neurons and circuits after traumatic brain injuryHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - EXCELLENT SCIENCEH2020 - MARIE SKTODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONSIndividual Fellowships (IF)2017MSCA01/04/201831/03/2020158.122€----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE FUNDAZIOABERCNOStarTickingThe early ticking of the central circadian pacemaker: when and howHORIZON EUROPEExcellent ScienceEuropean Research Council (ERC)ERC Consolidator Grant2022ERC01/01/202431/12/202811.955.875€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101088375The 24-h (circadian) timing system develops during the perinatal period and rules our physiology later in life. It has the essential task of anticipating daily recurring changes in the environment (day/night) to find the best time for each molecular and cellular process. It is organised hierarchically, with a master pacemaker in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is able to perceive environmental light and tell the body what time is it. Our modern 24/7 lifestyle favours a disruptive environment for the circadian system, which is especially negative during pregnancy. We have found, in mice and pre-term infants, that when mothers are exposed to glucocorticoids (GCs) at the wrong time of day, the offspring show behaviour disorders later in life. Our mechanistic findings showed for the first time, a role of the foetal clock before birth, challenging the view on the clock being immature and non-functional.StarTicking proposes to answer a long-standing question in the field: When and how the circadian clock starts ticking. With a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, we will go beyond the state-of-the-art to understand mechanistically the development of the central circadian pacemaker in mice and humans. We will investigate: 1) How the SCN forms by a detailed assessment of the developmental trajectory of the mouse SCN with single cell resolution. 2) When the SCN becomes functional by testing a yet unexplored player: Astrocytes as drivers of the gain of functionality of the mouse SCN.3) What the influence of the early environment on the human SCN maturation is. The generation of a human SCN organoid will allow us to test maternal signals in vitro with high-throughput. We will link mechanistic findings to the development of SCN-driven rhythms in a cohort of pre-term babies. StarTicking will provide ground-breaking mechanistic evidence and valuable knowledge to alleviate the behavioural consequences of the circadian disruption early in lifeND
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L.PymeNOPROMOTIONPROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission NetworksHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGYCompetitive Low Carbon Energy2015IA01/01/201631/12/201951.685.330€Energía
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L.PymeNOROMEOReliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore windHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGYCompetitive Low Carbon Energy2016IA01/06/201731/05/20229.999.813€Energía
ADWEN OFFSHORE, S.L.PymeNOELICANSELF-INSTALLING TELESCOPIC SUBSTRUCTURE FOR LOW-COST CRANELESSHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGYCompetitive Low Carbon Energy2015IA01/01/201631/12/20181117.107.301€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónND
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOCS2-AERNNOVA-HLFCFINAdvanced HLFC Fin designHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORTJTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020)2014RIA01/07/201531/12/20208.406.250€Fabricación avanzada
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOHLFC-WinHybrid Laminar Flow Control - WingHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORTJTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020)2017IA01/01/201831/12/202311.853.550€Fabricación avanzada
AERNNOVA AEROESTRUCTURAS ALAVA, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOOUTCOMEOUT of autoclave COMpositE manufacturing, wing and tail unit components and multifunctional designHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORTJTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020)2014IA01/07/201531/12/201910.921.943€Fabricación avanzada
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A.Gran EmpresaSICS2-AERNNOVA-HLFCFINAdvanced HLFC Fin designHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGESH2020 - SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORTJTI. Clean Sky (2014-2020)2014RIA01/07/201531/12/2020sin ficha8.406.250€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónND
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOFASTER-H2Fuselage, Rear Fuselage and Empennage with Cabin and Cargo Architecture Solution validation and Technologies for H2 integrationHORIZON EUROPEGlobal Challenges and European Industrial CompetitivenessClimate, Energy and MobilityMOB-Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking2022IA01/01/202331/03/20263430.825.992€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101101978The FASTER-H2 project will validate, down select, mature and demonstrate key technologies and provide the architectural integration of an ultra-efficient and hydrogen enabled integrated airframe for targeted ultra-efficient Short/Medium Range aircraft (SMR), i.e. 150-250 PAX and 1000-2000nm range. To enable climate-neutral flight, aircraft for short and medium-range distances have to rely on ultra-efficient thermal energy-based propulsion technologies using sustainable drop-in and non-drop-in fuels. Besides propulsion, the integration aspects of the fuel tanks and distribution system as well as sustainable materials for the fuselage, empennage are essential to meet an overarching climate-neutrality of the aviation sector. Green propulsion and fuel technologies will have a major impact on the full fuselage, including the rear fuselage, the empennage structure as well as cabin and cargo architecture in so far as the integration of storage and the integration of systems for the chosen energy source are concerned (H2, direct burn, fuel cell). Not only do the specific properties of hydrogen necessitate a re-consideration of typical aircraft configurations, requiring new design principles formulation and fundamental validation exercises, but they also raise a large number of important follow-on questions relating to hydrogen distribution under realistic operational constraints and safety aspects. The project will explore and exploit advanced production technologies for the integrated fuselage / empennage to reduce production waste and increase material and energy exploitation with Integrated Fuselage concept selected (maturity TRL3/4) until end of first phase in 2025. An anticipated route to TRL6 until end of the Clean Aviation programme in 2030 will ensure entry-into-service in 2035.ND
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOFIBREMACHRobotic system for clean, precise and defect-free machining of composite partsHORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)H2020 - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIPH2020 - INNOVATION OF SMES / EUROPEAN INNOVATION COUNCILFast Track to Innovation2020IA01/06/202131/05/20232.249.328€Fabricación avanzada
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOHERAHybrid-Electric Regional ArchitectureHORIZON EUROPEGlobal Challenges and European Industrial CompetitivenessClimate, Energy and MobilityMOB-Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking2022IA01/01/202331/12/20264850.743.739€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101102007HERA will identify and trade-off the concept of a regional aircraft, its key architectures, develop required aircraft-level technologies and integrate the required enablers in order to meet the -50% technology-based GHG emission set in SRIA for a Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft.The HERA aircraft, having a size of approximately of 50-100 seats, will operate in the regional and short-range air mobility by mid-2030 on typical distances of less than 500 km (inter-urban regional connections). The aircraft will be ready for future inter-modal and multi-modal mobility frameworks for sustainability.The HERA aircraft will include hybrid-electric propulsion based on batteries or fuel cells as energy sources supported by SAF or hydrogen burning for the thermal source, to reach up to 90% lower emissions while being fully compliant with ICAO noise rules. The HERA aircraft will be ready for entry into service by mid-2030, pursuing to the new certification rules, able to interact with new ground infrastructure, supporting new energy sources. This will make HERA aircraft ready for actual revenue service offering to operators and passengers sustainable, safe and fast connectivity mean at low GHG emissionsHERA will quantitatively trade innovative aircraft architectures and configurations required to integrate several disruptive enabling technologies including high voltage MW scale electrical distribution, thermal management, new wing and fuselage as well as the new hybrid-electric propulsion and related new energy storage at low GHG. To support this unprecedented integration challenge, HERA will develop suitable processes, tools and simulation models supporting the new interactions, workshare in the value chain and interfaces among systems and components. HERA will also elaborate on the future demonstration strategy of a hybrid–electric regional aircraft in Phase 2 of Clean Aviation to support the high TRL demonstration required for an early impact for HERA solutions.ND
AERNNOVA AEROSPACE, S.A.Gran EmpresaNOHERFUSEHybrid-Electric Regional FUSelage & EmpennagesHORIZON EUROPEGlobal Challenges and European Industrial CompetitivenessClimate, Energy and MobilityMOB-Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking2023IA01/01/202431/12/20263033.736.833€Selecciona una opciónSelecciona una opciónhttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101140567The aim of HERFUSE proposal is to design innovative fuselage and empennages suitable for the future Hybrid-Electric Regional aircraft (HER) that will contribute to the overall target to reduce Green House Gases (GHG) emissions. HERFUSE will study the challenges on fuselage and empennages layout, material, components, manufacturing and assembly derived by integration of the relevant fuselage systems for HER as defined in the SRIA for a Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft and in HER-01 topic. HERFUSE integrates features and components necessary to regional hybrid-electric propulsion and complementary systems as well as improves weight, durability, aerodynamic efficiency and operational issues. The technologies and solutions matured in this project shall be aligned and feed with models, analyses and actual test data HERA project on regional aircraft (HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2022-01-TRA-01). HERFUSE technologies, manufacturing and assembly of critical components will make feasible achieving the targeted performance gains of HER enablers such as low GHG energy sources (batteries and fuel cells), their storage (probable liquid in hydrogen case), their distribution and management, operational and safety features, thermal management provisions, electrical and thermal insulation. Technical solutions set by the HERFUSE will contribute then to the overall target and studies performed at aircraft level in HERA to reduce emissions. Namely, HERFUSE integration requirements will be concurrent and complementary to the aircraft-level ones set into HERA.ND
Entitate Entitate-mota Proiektuaren liderra da? Akronimoa Izenburua Programa Azpiprograma Arloa Azpiarloa Deialdia Proiektu-mota Data noiztik Noiz arte Nazioarteko bazkide kopurua Aurrekontu osoa RIS 3 Oinarrizko teknologia Fitxarako esteka Proiektuaren laburpena Cascade funding deialdia ateratzen du??
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